
Signs of Springtime —Thai Iced Coffee

    Yes, I’m enjoying the cherry blossoms, and the fragrant bouquets of freshly picked lilacs and iris, but I am especially enjoying this tall, icy glass of coffee.
     I’ve always been a fan of the stuff but when Chef Angela McKeller posted this recipe for Thai Iced Coffee on a LinkedIn Cookbook Writers discussion group, I just knew I had to try it. And, I wasn’t disappointed. As a matter of fact, I will offer it at our upcoming Easter brunch.

Thai Iced Coffee
Ready to brew the coffee & spice blend.
1 (10 cup) pot of brewed coffee (the stronger the better); in addition to the coffee grounds, add the following spices to the brewing basket:
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
¼ teaspoon ground ginger
Simple Syrup*
LOTS of ice
Half-and-Half or substitute Almond Milk

1.     Cool the coffee and store in the fridge.
I added the brewed coffee to canning jars and put them in the refrigerator.
2.     In a tall glass, pour in as much simple syrup as you like for as much sweetness as you want, add lots of ice and coffee until glass is about 3/4 full; fill the rest of the way with half-and-half (I substituted almond milk and used about the same proportions – it was delicious. However, this is what Angela suggested, “I have tried it with almond milk and if you aren't expecting the richness of a true Thai Iced Coffee, I think you will still enjoy it much the same. I just might use a 50/50 ratio of almond milk to coffee rather than a 1:4 (half-and-half to coffee).” Stir and serve. I garnished mine with a sprig of chocolate mint.
Ingredients are ready to blend.
According to Angela’s suggestion, I plan to set out all the ingredients  (Thai Iced Coffee Bar style) and let anyone or everyone mix up their own
Ingredients & Supplies for a Thai Iced Coffee Bar
Tall Glasses
Chilled Thai-flavored Coffee
Chilled Simple Syrup
Lots of Ice
Half-and-Half &/or Almond Milk
Iced Tea Spoons
Mint Leaves, optional
And, maybe some Whipped Cream, too


By the way, Angela invites everyone to visit her website, where you can also sign up for a free copy of her book, "Cooking 101: From No Way! to Easy Gourmet".

Combine equal amounts of granulated sugar and water in a saucepan. I threw in a chocolate mint leaf, too.
Heat on about medium heat until sugar dissolves and a thin, clear syrup remains; discard mint.
It does not take long for the syrup to form! Use to sweeten drinks or as a glaze on cakes, etc.

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