
YOGURT for just 2— COOKING for two in a 3-quart Instant Pot

What do two people do with a half-gallon of yogurt? That's why I've been on the look out for a 3-quart Instant Pot. Had a heck of a time but I finally found one, seems they think it is a seasonal item (go figure).  The smaller size was hard to find but just right for the two of us . . . for both yogurt making and other recipes, too. Now I am chronicling how to adjust/adapt recipes to the smaller size . . . instructions that will guide me in the future. Also, it allows me to condense the other blog references I used that often include lots and lots and lots of ads and stories!

Plain yogurt with a swirl of Lemon Curd.

A couple of notes  . . . 

  • Minimum fill on a 3-quart Instant Pot is 1 cup
  • Ratio of milk to yogurt: 1 quart milk to 1 (heaping) tablespoon yogurt
  • If you have used the Instant Pot for savory dishes, the inner pot needs to be sanitized using boiling, soapy water, then wipe the sealing ring with a vinegar solution . . . otherwise those savory flavors may infiltrate the yogurt. 

YOGURT for 2   Yield: 1 quart  (main info condensed from A Mind Full Mom blog

·    1 quart milk (I use whole milk from Hildebrand Dairy)

·    1 heaping tablespoon plain yogurt with live & active cultures (The label on the yogurt will say Lactobacillus bulgaricus or Streptococcus thermophiles) 

Step 1: Heating the milk in the Instant Pot to 180’: 

a)   Pour 1 quart milk into the inner pot of the Instant, add lid. Vent can be sealed or not sealed in this function. Hit Yogurt button and then adjust button until it says Boil. You may need to hit the Yogurt button a couple of time. 

b)  When the Instant Pot beeps, this part of the process is finished so remove the lid and test the temperature to be sure the milk has reached 180°. Let inner pot remain in Instant Pot about 5 minutes and then remove to a counter. (Note: If milk did not reach 180° after the Boil cycle, turn to Sauté function for a few minutes, watching VERY closely until it reaches the 180° mark.)

Step 2: Cool the milk to approximately 105-115°: Remove the inner pot of milk to cool on a counter top for about 45 minutes or until it reaches a temperature of approximately105-115° Or, speed the process by placing the inner pot into a large mixing bowl filled with ice water—this shorten cooling time to about 15-20 minutes.

Step 3: Remove the “skin” from the milk. Once milk has reached 105-115°, gently skim off “skin” that has formed on top of the milk. This helps insure creamy yogurt.

Step 4: Whisk in the yogurt.

Step 5: Allow the yogurt to incubate in the Instant Pot: 

a)   Place the inner pot back (be sure to dry it off if an ice bath was used for cooling) into the Instant Pot and add lid. Again, it doesn’t matter which way the valve is set.

b)  Hit Yogurt button again. Adjust until it read 8:00 or 8 hours. The pressure should also read normal—if it reads less, hit adjust again until normal is lit up. (If you would like tangier yogurt, set an incubation period to 10 hours instead of 8 hours.) Yogurt was a nice consistency at this point and then firmed up a little more as it cooled.

c)  Once yogurt beeps that it is complete, remove the inner pot from the inner pot and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 8 hours before transfering to individual containers.

Step 6: Add yogurt to jars and refrigerate. Transfer to glass jars and refrigerate. It will generally last 10 to 14 days in the refrigerator. 

Plain yogurt mixed with a splash of vanilla, drizzled with honey
and sprinkled with Add-A-Sweet Crunch Topping.

And DON’T FORGET: Be sure to save a tablespoon of this prepared yogurt for the next batch. Or FREEZE several tablespoons of yogurt (in sectioned areas of an ice cube tray or other small containers) immediately after fresh yogurt is made. Then just thaw the yogurt cubes in the refrigerator and they are ready to add to a new batch of Instant Pot Yogurt.

To turn your yogurt into Greek Yogurt

·     Place prepared yogurt (from above recipe) into a cheesecloth lined colander that has been place over a large mixing bowl.

·      Allow the yogurt to drain overnight.

·      Scoop out the thick yogurt into containers to store and discard the cheesecloth.

·      Note: You can either discard the whey (the drained liquid) or you can use it in smoothies, oatmeal, protein shakes, etc. It will be filled with protein and probiotics.

To sweeten a batch of yogurt, wait until after the it has set up in the fridge for at least 8 hours, or after straining if making Greek Yogurt.  

Instructions without photos . . .YOGURT for 2   Yield: 1 quart 

·    1 quart milk (I use whole milk from Hildebrand Dairy)

·    1 heaping tablespoon plain yogurt with live & active cultures (The label on the yogurt will say Lactobacillus bulgaricus or Streptococcus thermophiles)  

Step 1: Heating the milk in the Instant Pot to 180’: 

a)   Pour 1 quart milk into the inner pot of the Instant, add lid. Vent can be sealed or not sealed in this function. Hit Yogurt button and then adjust button until it says Boil. You may need to hit the Yogurt button a couple of time. 

b)  When the Instant Pot beeps, this part of the process is finished so remove the lid and test the temperature to be sure the milk has reached 180°. Let inner pot remain in Instant Pot about 5 minutes and then removing to a counter. (Note: If milk did not reach 180° after the Boil cycle, turn to Sauté function for a few minutes, watching VERY closely until it reaches the 180° mark.)

Step 2: Cool the milk to approximately 105-115°: Remove the inner pot of milk to cool on a counter top for about 45 minutes or until it reaches a temperature of approximately105-115° Or, speed the process by placing the inner pot into a large mixing bowl filled with ice water—this shorten cooling time to about 15-20 minutes.

Step 3: Remove the “skin” from the milk. Once milk has reached 105-115°, gently skim off “skin” that has formed on top of the milk. This helps insure creamy yogurt.

Step 4: Whisk in the yogurt

Step 5: Allow the yogurt to incubate in the Instant Pot: 

a)   Place the inner pot back (be sure to dry it off if an ice bath was used for cooling) into the Instant Pot and add lid. Again, it doesn’t matter which way the valve is set.

b)  Hit Yogurt button again. Adjust until it read 8:00 or 8 hours. The pressure should also read normal—if it reads less, hit adjust again until normal is lit up. (If you would like tangier yogurt, set an incubation period to 10 hours instead of 8 hours.) ogurt was a nice consistency at this point and then firmed up a little more as it cooled.

c)  Once yogurt beeps that it is complete, remove the inner pot from the inner pot and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 8 hours before transfering to individual containers.

Step 6: Add yogurt to jars and refrigerate. Transfer to glass jars and refrigerate. It will generally last 10 to 14 days in the refrigerator. 

And DON’T FORGET: Be sure to save a tablespoon of this prepared yogurt for the next batch. Or FREEZE several tablespoons of yogurt (in sectioned areas of an ice cube tray or other small containers) immediately after fresh yogurt is made. Then just thaw the yogurt cubes in the refrigerator and they are ready to add to a new batch of Instant Pot Yogurt.

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